Good Books
Want to learn more? There a number of outstanding books that can help.
Books on bullies and manipulators

The Bully at Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity On the Job

Emotional Blackmail:When the People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation, and Guilt to Manipulate You

Toxic People:10 Ways of Dealing With People Who Make Your Life Miserable

Mobbing:Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace

Stop Being Manipulated: How to Neutralize the Bullies, Bosses, and Brutes in Your Life

Dealing With People You Can't Stand: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst

In Sheep's Clothing:Understanding and Dealing With Manipulative People

Verbal Judo:The Gentle Art of Persuasion
Books on self-awareness and emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence:Why it can matter more than IQ

Putting Emotional Intelligence To Work:Successful Leadership is More Than IQ